iPad 3 Rumored for March

It seems to be that time of the year again where everyone is expecting a new iPad to be just around the corner. Rumors are floating around with the estimated released sometime in early March.

Sources say the company has chosen the first week in March to debut the successor to the iPad 2 and will do so at one of its trademark special events. The event will be held in San Francisco, presumably at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Apple’s preferred location for big announcements like these. No word yet on a street date for the iPad 3 (assuming that’s what it’s called), though my guess is retail availability will follow roughly the same schedule as that of the iPad 2: available for purchase a week or so after the event.

The hardware rumors get even more interesting with words like “retina display” and “A6 chip” which would mean quad core processing and a screen resolution of 2048 x 1536 at 9.7-inches; but who listens to the rumors anyway? Many believe it will also feature an HD front facing camera for HD face time.

Its hard to say weather the new iPad will have Siri, but looking at the possible hardware I think it would be a huge oversight not to include Siri. I think it will all boil down to weather the rumored 4G LTE network capabilities will in fact be included in the device. These details have been the subject of conflicting rumors. Either way I think the world will know soon enough when Apple goes to San Francisco!

3 thoughts on “iPad 3 Rumored for March

  1. a) it will either have A6 & retina or A6 and LTE the battery demands by Apple won’t allow both.
    b) if Retina display, then it will maybe have HD front camera, but they haven’t done that yet with other retina devices.
    c) siri possibly
    d) whether*

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