No More LogMeIn Free

lmiThere are probably more remote access options out there than most people care to think about but one of the biggest and well known is switching their business model and no longer allowing free accounts. Existing users will either need to upgrade to a pro account or switch to a competitor. Hamachi, Cubby and Join.Me are apparently unaffected at this time but will it be long before these free services will stop too? I personally thought Hamachi would be the first to go.

Let us know in the comments how this change is affecting your business or personal life. If you switched to a competitor, what solution are you now using? If you use other free LogMeIn services, will you now be worried?

5 thoughts on “No More LogMeIn Free

  1. Well, this is going to screw me over big time. I use it all the time to use my pc at work.

    If they’re no longer free, I guess I’ll seek an alternate method / service. I should start with one that has an Android App…

    1. Exactly, RDP doesn’t work in every environment and for personal use of course people should have something free for stuff like this. I think finding one that supports Android is a great idea. Tablets are becoming so common it almost seems like a no brainer for them to support it. I’ve heard some switching to Splashtop which seems to have an app and doesn’t look too bad.

  2. Yeah, LogMeIn free going away has resulted in huge disappointment amongst Logmein users. Anyways as free version is no longer available, other alternatives are RHUB, Bomgar, GoToMyPC etc.

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