No More LogMeIn Free

There are probably more remote access options out there than most people care to think about but one of the biggest and well known is switching their business model and no longer allowing free accounts. Existing users will either need to upgrade to a pro account or switch to a competitor. Hamachi, Cubby and Join.Me […]

BBM Channels

With BBM channels finally being out of beta, I see a lot of potential for us here. Once cross platform Channels is released I’d like to start reaching more people in IT and helping the community to grow. For those with a BlackBerry device, be sure to update your BBM and join our channel using […]

Cross Platform BBM

BlackBerry has finally put it its best application out for both iOS and Android! This time everyone can get it. Lets jump right in to it: BBM for iPhone - BBM for Android - Don’t trust any other apps since there are many, many fakes out there. During the roll out the instructions are: Download […]

Winner Announcement

Last weekend I drew names from all the entries and contacted the winners. After giving out the keys and speaking to them a bit I am happy to announce the winners of our first giveaway draw! From the comments section: Justin (3 total entries) From the Twitter section: Mark of Isolated Ground (11 total entries) […]

BlackBerry Z10

On February 5th I lined up out front of Rogers to get my new BlackBerry Z10 and have since been in love with this phone. I won’t be going too in depth about specs of features because I feel there have already been a lot of reviews of this kind posted. Instead my intention is […]


Quite some time ago I was invited to the beta of this Dropbox-like program. I wasn’t sure how they found my email and truthfully, wasn’t looking for a Dropbox alternative, i would check it out. It seemed more of my duty than anything. The idea seemed the same only there was no storage limit! The […]

Out With the Old in With the New!

It has already been confirmed that Microsoft will be killing off MSN and finally embracing Skype. As of March 2013 they will be turning off the switch on the much beloved service,  but this isn’t really a big surprise. Over a year ago Microsoft acquired Skype for $8.5 billion and hasn’t really done much with it. Although […]

ASUS RT-N56U Revisited

I wanted to revisit this review. Earlier I had basically said in summery that the router was great, but the UI had some shortcomings. I have since come across some amazing firmware. Don’t get me wrong I think Asus did a great job, but I was getting a little frustrated. Curiosity got the best of […]

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