BlackBerry 10 Excites Me

The more I watch videos on how BB10 works, or what it can do the more I honestly can’t wait to update my BlackBerry. Already I’m sure you have realized I am a HUGE BlackBerry fan… Here’s the thing though, Apple keeps doing the same old crap and everyone knows it. Android has a nice niche but […]

Software on Steam

I love Steam. I don’t think I would have started buying games if it didn’t exist. I love the community, the interface and how easy it is to use. Steam is my favorite! Now they have full blown started selling software. It was rumored that they would start selling more than games and hats a […]

Windows 8 is a Bad Idea

There is no other explanation… When a developer still makes around $215,000 a day, 2 years after release from his game, logically he should want to be on as many platforms as possible. Turning down an open invite to certify their game for the Windows 8 Marketplace would be foolish, right?! I personally think there is […]

Skype Changing to new ‘Opus’ audio codec

Anyone that uses an in game voice chat program like Vent, Mumble, Team Speak or even if you are using Skype, you should know by now the codec is everything. Any spike in latency can be frustrating and annoying and a good audio codec can make a huge difference. Mumble prides itself in a codec developed specifically for speech […]

Apple Announcement Predictions

An Apple site search reveals the iPhone 5 with LTE, iTunes, iPod Nano, iPod Touch but what about the iPad mini? Only time will tell but the tech community is certainly buzzing. Find out more today at 1PM Eastern! Already thousands of people are queued up to watch live blogs, news feeds and tweets. The excitement is […]

Portable Devices are Hot

Apple has the world talking about them this week with lots of buzz over the iPhone 5 and their new iOS. Pretty much every tech company and their mother has a tablet out now. A whole new generation of laptops are coming out and the most interesting marketing technique I’ve seen yet -they are now […]


I haven’t had a chance to use this router very long but already I see a huge downfall in the DHCP reservation and port forwarding. Some of the biggest things I liked about my D-Link is that I didn’t have to type in very much. More drop down menus could improve the efficiency of a lot of options. Host […]

D-Link DIR-825

I used this router for about a year and I must say it was good till the end. By that I mean it worked great and by the end it was a pain in the ass. Out of the box the router worked great! As more firmware updates came out the device only improved, until […]

Office 2013

its rumored that Microsoft will be unvailing their new version of Office toda. With their new Windows 8 operating system and Surface tablet computer coming out, this year is very important. The 5,000-employee Office division now includes 170 user experience designers and researchers, twice as many as it had a year ago. This goes without […]

Leap Motion

I have to admit this is by far the best human interface device I have ever seen. I would rather let the video speak for itself but I will say that this is real, and the video footage is not simulated in anyway. This is the real deal! [ Leap Motion ]

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